ニュース Who is the world’s biggest exporter?. トピックに関する記事 – Why China is the largest exporter

Who is the world's biggest exporter?
Special economic zones (SEZs) in China played a major role in the country's economic boom and the growth of exports. Within SEZs such as Shenzhen, China offered tax incentives to foreign investors. These incentives included the ability to import equipment and technology tax-free.$3.73T

Historical Data

In 2022, China exported a total of $3.73T, making it the number 1 exporter in the world. During the last five reported years the exports of China have changed by $1.17T from $2.56T in 2017 to $3.73T in 2022.Thanks to its enormous trade surplus over the past few years, China has become the world's largest exporter and ranks second among the world's largest importers. Despite its strict policies, the country is fairly open to foreign trade, which represented 37% of its GDP in 2022 (World Bank).

Who buys the most from ChinaAlso shown is each import country's percentage of total Chinese exports.

  • United States: US$502 billion (14.8% of China's total exports)
  • Hong Kong: $276.4 billion (8.2%)
  • Japan: $157.6 billion (4.7%)
  • South Korea: $149.3 billion (4.4%)
  • Vietnam: $138.2 billion (4.1%)
  • India: $117.8 billion (3.5%)

What is Japan known for exporting

The country mainly exports motor vehicles (11.6% of all exports) being the third exporter of cars worldwide, electronic integrated circuits (4.5%), semiconductors and related items (4.1%), parts and accessories for motor vehicles (3.9%), and petroleum oils (2%).China's Top 10 Exports

  • Electrical machinery, equipment: US$899 billion (26.5% of total exports)
  • Machinery including computers: $512 billion (15.1%)
  • Vehicles: $192.7 billion (5.7%)
  • Plastics, plastic articles: $132.5 billion (3.9%)
  • Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs, prefabricated buildings: $121 billion (3.6%)

Who dominates global trade

Trade tensions between China and the U.S. have been festering since 2018 with Trump slapping tariffs and other trade barriers on China. Even so, China continued to play an outsized role in the global economy, accounting for 18% of global GDP and is regarded still as the world's largest trading economy.

List of largest trading partners of China

Rank Country / Territory China imports
ASEAN 408.1
European Union 285.3
1 United States 177.6
2 South Korea 199.6

What is the largest trading country in the world

The United States is the world's 2nd-largest trading nation, behind only China, with over $7.0 trillion in exports and imports of goods and services in 2022.Cars

Yearly Trade

The most recent exports are led by Cars ($89B), Machinery Having Individual Functions ($38.5B), Integrated Circuits ($36.9B), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($30.6B), and Refined Petroleum ($14.5B).Reasons for this spectacular export performance are the wide variety of Japan's industrial output, the shift to products with a relatively high value added, the country's export competitiveness, and the dominant position of its industry in a number of fields.

Japan Exports By Category Value Year
Coffee, tea, mate and spices $212.87M 2022
Fertilizers $191.21M 2022
Vegetable, fruit, nut food preparations $173.99M 2022
Ores slag and ash $165.78M 2022

Who is China’s biggest buyerIn 2021, China major trading partner countries for exports were United States, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Rep. and Vietnam and for imports they were Other Asia, nes, Korea, Rep., Japan, United States and Australia.

Where does China get most of its moneyChina's economic development has been fueled in large part by a sprawling industrial sector, which includes manufacturing, construction, mining, and utilities. In 2021, value-added industrial output accounted for 39 percent of China's GDP—more than double that of the United States (18 percent).

What is China’s top 5 exports

Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from China.

  • Electrical machinery, equipment: US$899 billion (26.5% of total exports)
  • Machinery including computers: $512 billion (15.1%)
  • Vehicles: $192.7 billion (5.7%)
  • Plastics, plastic articles: $132.5 billion (3.9%)

the U.S.

Which Countries Import the Most Goods With $3.4 trillion in imports in 2022, the U.S. is the largest importer globally. Even though higher inflation and market uncertainty loomed over the economy, U.S. imports increased 15% annually, with China as its top goods importing partner. 🇺🇸 U.S.United States The United States

United States. The United States has maintained the position in global economy and considered as wealthiest nation, and holds 1st place from 1960 to 2023.Despite being one of the world's richest nations, Japan has one of the highest rates of child poverty among the world's wealthy countries, with one in every seven children living in poverty. About half of single-parent households live below the poverty line.